Tuesday, April 24, 2012

more Quotes

Saturday, February 18, 2012


A friend posted a note on his FB wall that caught my attention.....

Everyone should do one random act of kindness this weekend. Maybe just a kind word or holding the door for someone. It makes you feel good and might be more important to the person you helped then you realize. Let's make this world a better place.

Thanks for the reminder and renewing my interest, Jeff

Monday, September 20, 2010

The power of a random act of kindness.

I received a random act of kindness the other day and I started to think of its power.

"There is no such thing as an insignificant act of kindness.  Every act creates a positive energy flow with no logical end."    gp 9/10/10

I wrote the following and pasted it to my FB page this morning...

I seek Simple Abundance in…

…the joy of friendship

…the blessing of health

…the laughter of children

…the love of a kindred spirit

…the awakening to a new dawn

…the warmth of an embrace

…the kiss of a loved one

…the song of the early bird

…the sight of a sunset

…the handshake of a stranger

…the ability to communicate feelings

…the taste of a homemade meal

…the feel of a snowflake on the cheek

…the admiration of co-workers

…the tranquility of a sunrise

…the respect of those who disagree

…the security of 4 walls and a roof

…the passion of a lover’s kiss

…the holding of hands with someone special

…the aroma of homemade soup

…the words of a valued mentor

…the hug of a family member

…the concern of a loving mother

…the guidance of a loving father

…the spontaneity of unexpected pleasures

…the forgiveness of those wronged.

…the ability to accomplish a new task

…the relief of making a difficult decision

…the remembrance of those departed

…the beat of a favorite tune

…the memory of a loved lost

…the glow of candlelight

…the wagging tail of man’s best friend

…the meeting of 2 minds

…the synchronicity of 2 souls

…the discovery of a hidden talent

…the miracle of a newborn

…the time spent in front of a campfire

…the capability to move on from a defeat

…the flattery of a pretty girl

…the rejuvenation of a nap

…the crackling of wood in the fireplace

…the helping of someone less fortunate

…the realization of a dream

…the random act of kindness given or received

…the peace of a tranquil mind

…the solitude of connecting with God.

Friday, July 23, 2010

An email received from a friend-When things in your life seem, almost too much to handle..

Like most of us, I get a bunch of emails between my work and those from friends.  It's easy to ignore some due to the pace of life.  I am glad I did not ignore one from a friend this morning, a random act of kindness by sharing.

...When things in your life seem, almost too much to handle,

when 24 Hours in a day is not enough,

Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class

and had some items in front of him.

When the class began, wordlessly,

He picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar

and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students, if the jar was full.

They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured

them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.

The pebbles rolled into the open Areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.

Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively

filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided,

'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.

The golf balls are the important things - family,

children, health, Friends, and Favorite passions –

Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car.

The sand is everything else --The small stuff.

'If you put the sand into the jar first,' He continued,

'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.

The same goes for life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,

you will never have room for the things that are important to you.


Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.

Play With your children.

Take time to get medical checkups.

Take your partner out to dinner.

There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.

'Take care of the golf balls first --

The things that really matter.

Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled.

'I'm glad you asked'.

It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,

there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Big Sister Gwen is Joy!

Please read this note of mine to my Big Sister, Gwen, a belated birthday wish.
She is special, she is joy and I want others to know the blessing I have as she is my Big Sister.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A favorite quote

To do something, however small, to make others happier and better, is the highest ambition, the most elevating hope, which can inspire a human being.

Sir John Lubbock