Friday, June 18, 2010

An email to a Friend

A friend from Nashville sent me a text sharing a mention of a struggle she is going through.
Not being able to provide support in person, I sent her the following email:


In March 1981, I attended a work seminar on leadership in Chicago. I was 24 years old, knew everything, had money, had babes and was living the life.

One morning, the seminar leader started the day off by asking how everyone was feeling. It was 7 am. We laughed and said to table mates that it was too early to be leaders.

The leader then said that each of us was going to face a weighty, personal or workplace struggle in the future. He offered his approach to life and its challenges.
His way of putting things in perspective was so simple, yet so powerful I remember that morning; what I was wearing, who I drank with the night before and who was sitting at the round table as he spoke.

His words..."Each morning, I rush downstairs, open the front door and snatch the paper off the porch. Without hesitation, on the porch, I find the section with the death notices listed and drop the rest of the paper. I search the list carefully. When I discover that my name is not there, I know that it is going to be one glorious day, no matter what challenge is in front of me to deal with this day. I am breathing, I am alive. There is hope."

It took me almost 30 years and several personal struggles to realize how powerful his words were that cold, windy morning in Chicago back in March of 1981.

You are never alone on your journey as the Giver of life is with you.



  1. Survived a terrible auto accident several years ago, while unconscious had what is commonly known as a near death expeience...experienced and felt the essence of the Giver at that time. He is always with me, sometime I feel him more than others. Yesterday marked the anniversary of another tragedy, one that I could not imagine every getting through...but thanks to faith, inner strength and the will of the Giver I see nothing but a life full of endless posibillities.

    A random act of kindness: Yesterday at work had a 10 min appointment with a sweet, twinkly eyed 10 year old. At the end of a visit he randomly pulled one of about fifty friendship bracelets off his wrist and gave it to me with a cute little smile. I'm still wearing it and still think about how that tiny little act had such meaning. Life is good!!!

  2. About twice a week, my husband and I pick up a stranger's ticket at the local Cracker Barrel. We ask the waitress to give us the ticket and tell the person it is their lucky day and their meal is FREE. The look on their face as they search the restaurant for their benefactor is priceless! God Bless You :)

  3. Wow.. Nashville replying..Thank you Greg, He never did say it would be easy if we followed him, what He did say is that He is in the boat with us.

    Thank you to anonymous for picking up a stranger's ticket twice a week at the local Cracker Barrel,on behalf of Cracker Barrel I say a huge thank you for choosing our restaurant to bless another... I can't wait to pass your story around the home office.
