Back in 1971, at the age of 49, my dad passed away. I was 16 years young. My dad could be the life of the party, the swizzle stick that stirred everyone's drink. The sad thing for me to this day is he died when the 2 of us finally understood each other and became friends. I believed, and hope to this day, that he knew he did his job as a father and that I would make him proud of who I would become when I became a man. As a result of his death, I became an angry, brooding teenager who was a handful for my mom.
I was selfish too as I never thought of what the loss of her Walter was doing to her. During those dark days, words were few in number between us.
One morning as I ate breakfast alone, there was a clipping from a magazine underneath my plate, just sticking out. The clipping read as follows...I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow human being let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
During our darkest days of mourning my dad's departure, my mom found a way to bring us some Light from Above.
Maybe I was inspired from that moment, that morning, to be a "swizzle stick" like my dad and an "angel" like my mom.
Though I worship in no building, I am blessed this wondrous Sunday morning and know God is with me.
For those of you who have living parents, let them know how much you care and love them for all of you shall never pass this way again.
Please feel free to pass this note on to someone who is estranged from their parents or their children or a loved one or a friend.
Your act of kindness may just make a difference.
"In the end, only kindness matters."
Jewel from her song, "Hands"
Maybe a better world to live in one act at a time?
Make it a great day for yourself and all those you touch,
What speaks volumes G, is that despite being a brooding, angry teenager you were able to hear the message. You are in inspiration to those who touch your life. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are correct as I know this is the mission of this blog