Friday, January 29, 2010

I start almost each day by listening to "Let the Day Begin," by the Call

Here's to the babies in a brand new world

Here's to the beauty of the stars

Here's to the travellers on the open road

Here's to the dreamers in the bars

Here's to the teachers in the crowded rooms

Here's to the workers in the fields

Here's to the preachers of the sacred words

Here's to the drivers at the wheel

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin, let the day begin

Here's to the winners of the human race

Here's to the losers in the game

Here's to the soldiers of the bitter war

Here's to the wall that bears their names

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Let the day begin, let the day begin, let the day start

Here's to the doctors and their healing work

Here's to the loved ones in their care

Here's to the strangers on the streets tonight

Here's to the lonely everywhere

Here's to the wisdom from the mouths of babes

Here's to the lions in the cage

Here's to the struggles of the silent war

Here's to the closing of the age.

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin, let the day begin, let the day start

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Remember this

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Another thought to live by

Make yourself a blessing to someone. Your kind smile or pat on the back just might pull someone back from the edge.

One of my favorite quotes and words to live by.

I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I am not afraid anymore

Inspired by my sister-in-law, Merely, who says I am a good writer,

I hope you enjoy this so I don’t bite her.

I am not afraid anymore

I am not afraid if you don’t like my rhymes,
I am not afraid of hard times.

I am not afraid to see what I see,
I am not afraid if you don’t understand me.

I am not afraid to cherish,
I am not afraid my dreams will perish.

I am not afraid to be lost,
I am not afraid of what it will cost.

I am not afraid to take a walk,
I am not afraid to talk.

I am not afraid of the unknown,
I am not afraid to be alone.

I am not afraid to give up the ghost,
I am not afraid of what you want most.

I am not afraid of the occasional high,
I am not afraid to die,

I am not afraid to cry,
I am not afraid I am going to fry.

I am not afraid of some sorrow,
I am not afraid of tomorrow.

Thank you, God, I want so much to live,
Now it’s my turn to give.

I am blessed, I am not afraid anymore.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Flowers, a simple thank you to brighten someone's day.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

What I am doing today.

What I am working on today to make myself a bit of a better human being- Remember that everyone we meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A favorite quote of mine or two

"As long as we sit at the bus stop waiting for our great moment we will miss our real chance at the heroic: the infinite number of tiny daily acts inspired by the great. Our actions may seem insignificant, but their results will grow and multiply."

"I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."

Friday, January 8, 2010

Make the most of every moment. Have Fun! Live to 92.

This was originally found on the Huffington Post.  I have added one thought to make it an even 16 ways to be happy and make the most of your life.

1. Keep breathing

Breathe deeply now and then. It will help you to feel more relaxed and keep things in proper perspective.

2. Collect and celebrate birthdays

The more you have, the longer you live. Birthdays can be good for you.

Go on a happiness safari.

There is no limit on how much you can hunt

when what you are looking for is to be happy.

And if that pursuit takes you into the wild, then be wildly happy.

John Morton

3. Stay in love with yourself

You need pampering. Go ahead and buy that Christmas present for yourself - Santa would approve. Trixie is buying herself a television for her bedroom this Christmas.

4. Spring isn't only for chickens

You can stay younger than springtime. It is all in your outlook. Keep fresh eyes on your world. Be enthusiastic. Share your enthusiasm.

5. Smile when you walk into a room full of people.

You may lift someone who is feeling sad. Make everyone laugh - go on stand on your head! Do not be afraid to look ridiculous. Dare to be yourself. Flirt - the men will love it.

Whenever I walk into a room, I put a smile on my face

because it may help somebody.

Evelyn Laye

6. You need to look up to heaven and enjoy the clouds

Appreciate the dark clouds. The hold a certain beauty.

7. Enjoy and appreciate soft refreshing rain

The rain must be thought of as something very beautiful - even if it does destroy your hairdo.

8. Endure the bad to get to the good

My husband Ken, as he was dying, said: "You can do it". Faith gives hope. Have patience and believe that good will happen.
Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it is still dark.

Scandinavian Saying

9. Cherish your family and friends

Reach out and make new friends. You could help them. Invite Mrs Grumpy home for tea, biscuits and a chit chat. Everybody needs a chit chat.

The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people.

Ken Blanchard

10. Accept and believe the compliments of your friends

It works as a great tonic. Know that your friends love you. Be willing to receive from them.

11. Live by your personal code of conduct

Have your set of ideals and live by them. Ideals like: never grumble; never complain; leave people feeling happy; be able to laugh at yourself.
12. Cook for yourself...

.... and love doing it!

Enjoy your meals and the pleasure they give you.

13. Forgiving is the most difficult thing you ever have to do....

.... make sure you do it.

Forgiving is like putting the cat out at night. Make sure you do it or you will be sorry in the morning. If you can't forgive, it eats away your guts. You can literally get an ulcer. Anger is one of the most useless emotions.

The whole of life,from the moment you are born to the moment you die
is a process of learning.


14. Somehow, keep the image you are always in God's hands

When you are in difficulty, say: "Please God, I need help" and you will get it.

15. Don't stop the carnival!

Continue to celebrate life - and find things to celebrate. The popping of corks is still a lovely sound. Pop a few!

16.  Be the best you can be.

Always, always do your best.

Helene Popiel

I will not allow anyone to bring me down when I've done my best.  It is their problem not mine.
I revel in my humanity, the good and the bad.

Greg Popiel

Make the most of every moment. Have fun!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Giving is what makes us divine and connects us to our Source.

How would you spend a $100?

If given a $100 to spend on making our world a better place, how would you spend it?
The article below is an account of such an experience.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year's thought

“Another fresh new year is here . . .Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give! This bright new year is given me To live each day with zest . . .To daily grow and try to be My highest and my best! I have the opportunity Once more to right some wrongs, To pray for peace, to plant a tree, And sing more joyful songs!”

author unknown